Riding bicycle was just a mere fun time .We used to rent a bicycle ,rupees 10 for an hour. Being brought up in Kathmandu we travel in public transport, cars or motorbikes, but making bicycle a major means to go somewhere was never an option. Then it was just a cheapest means of transport for people and wasn’t thought to be much prestigious. It is cheap to afford in comparison to cars, motorbikes and paying daily in public vehicles.
And my concept wasn’t differing either until I saw many people travelling with their happy bicycles in England. The overwhelming number of folks in Brussels, Berlin ,Netherlands and Norway widened my eyes to an astonishment and interest to the cycle culture in Europe. People here feel no awkwardness using bicycles. In this system Netherland leads among all being city of cycles .for them, cycle is a major means to go somewhere. They also have popular sayings –‘Dutch are born with cycle skills from the tomb of their mother’. `They start cycling from the very tender age .Remarkable number of youngsters, old, men ,women, well dressed people ,players and even the member of parliament seems to be loving their journey in cycle. Mountain bikes are popular in Norway as it is a mountainous country.
Oslo too attracted me to what it is doing to encourage bicycle culture. It has a special provision for cycle users, A cycle rental system .This system is designed especially for summer, as it is all covered with snow during winter. One can make cycle card for just 70 kroner which is half hours wage for Norwegians .This can cover their travelling expense for whole summer and its nothing so much for them. Thus this system is beneficial, cheap and environment friendly. One can take cycles from any cycle booth, use it for 3 hours and return back to any nearby booths to their destination. Even those who never dare to ride bicycle also seem to be encouraged by this system.
Numerous studies have found that cycling provides variety of benefits. Cycling is non polluting and so is environment friendly and help us breathe easily. It is also recommended to people having sedentary lifestyle diseases like obesity, diabetes, heart disease etc. Nevertheless it’s a best way for all to have a complete exercise and stay healthy and fit. To be environment friendly attitude seems to be working well .more and more people use either bicycle or public transport. They can afford cars but they want to save environment and love cycling or else feel proud walking their destination.
Nice. But you know the problem of bike riders in Kathmandu, they are not given way, looked down and you kow...
yes Razen dai ,u r rt,thats why many ppl are discouraged even they want to ...and also our thinking and attitude towards the bicycle riders,...in road the big vehicles try to dominate and overtake bicycles..n moreover we don hav bicycle lane too so that they can feel their journey safe.
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